Unity Tutorial 02


Screenshot taken from Ruby's Adventure
This weeks Unity Tutorial is making me wish I had saved my game idea from last semester till this semester, the overhead 2D style of gaming is an excellent way to make a stealth game. Ah well, it also works well for RPG's, maybe this semester I'll make my own RPG?

Anyway, the tutorials themselves weren't too confusing this week. I've been having issues getting Unity to actually run on my laptop so I had to borrow my mams work laptop, I'll have to see about getting a laptop from the laptop loan scheme the college does. 

There are a lot of similarities between making a 2d game and a 3D game, its all mostly just adding assets and going to the right hand of the screen to determine how that asset interacts with the world.  You can probably tell by how i worded that that I'm not exactly a tech genius, but hey I made it so the fox lady doesn't phase through the metal boxes so I'm doing something right. Using prefabs was a blast from the past, honestly I felt like I was making my game from last semester when I was dropping those boxes down, it was pretty much the exact same thing I did last year.


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