Unity Tutorial 01: 2D Gaming


My experience with this tutorial was not off to a great start. After clicking on the link to bring me to the Unity website my Wi-Fi went down and I was greeted with awesome Dinosaur jumping game that plays every time chrome cant connect to the Wi-Fi. "what the heck" I thought to myself, "I may as well try to beat my high score!" so I started playing and slowly but surely I got closer and closer to my high score of  5000, go tobainn, just as I reached 4900 points, the screen goes black and I'm introduced to the Unity tutorial website. Ah well, may as well get to work.

The tutorial was easy enough to follow but I do really miss the videos that came with last semesters tutorials, it was easier to navigate the Unity programme after watching a video instead of just reading instructions. Creating the game was easy enough, having the player sprite move around was an easy thing to implement and I liked how the tutorial explained what each section of code was doing something.

Unfortunately I caught Covid at the start of week 2 so it has taken me longer to complete this blog than I had hoped, please forgive my lateness.


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