Week 9 Reading and Writing


Crikey, I can't believe it's week 9 already, it feels like so much has changed since we started this wee project back in December. Thats why it's important to look back on the past few weeks and determine how well I've been working with the readings and writings of the past 9 weeks.

I'll be the first to admit that my blog is looking pretty scarce, it's been a rough couple of weeks with family tragedies and job drama nearly completely consuming my life so I haven't been able to update the blog as much as I would have liked. And believe me, I like writing this blog, I love it even, I get such a strong sense of catharsis when I sit down and just type my thoughts onto the screen, it really helps me to get in touch with myself and kinda figure out what my brain is up to whilst I wander the earth doing projects and chores until I fall asleep proceed to repeat that process day in, day out.

Looking back on what I've read I must say I learned a lot, which is mad, because I thought I knew alot but reading through all these articles about Game design and Growth Mindsets has really changed my outlook on things, the best thing I read was the Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Game Plan.

This hefty Tome not only taught me new things about a video game I have loved and played since before I even owned a PlayStation 2 but it also taught me so much on creating a Game Design Document (or G.D.D for short) of my own.

I feel like I've come a long way from where I started in week 1, when if you had sat me infront of a Unity programme I probably would've panicked and ran straight to the exit. Now I've been able to craft a very basic stealth game that actually works pretty well in terms of what I want to accomplish for it. Obviously I think I might have over reached in terms of multiple endings and a big boss fight but I still think I can deliver on my original vision of a cheesy homage to the original Metal Gear game for the NES and a movie that my friends and I made at a time where we felt like we could accomplish anything.

In the future I'm hoping to get my game complete, which means finishing character models, adding sound effects, maybe a cutscene or two. WHat matters is that I have the gameplay down to a t, even my girlfriend who hates videogames said it was good fun. I also want to fill my blog with as many posts as humanly possible and who knows, maybe one day I'll make a game so entertaining that a college student gets inspired do a poor imitation of it, just like how I did with Hideo Kojimas classic masterpiece. A man can only dream...


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