Growth Mindset 2: Electric Boogaloo

 "Hold on a second," I can hear you say dear reader, "Growth Mindset 2?! He's doing another one? Surely his Mindset has grown enough during his last blog post!". Well dear reader, I appreciate that you think so highly of me but honestly my mind is far from grown, so this week I decided at having a go at looking through the Growth Mindset Padlet and ponder the quotes within to see how it can affect my own growth mindset.

There were many wonderful quotes on that padlet board but the one that stood out to me was Fish And Chips, which is an acronym for "Forgetting Is Sometimes Hard, Choosing Happiness Is Possible". I chose this because obviously it's an awesome acronym and far surpasses any kind of acronym I could ever think of in a million years. However I also chose it because the statement rings true. I have a tendency to hold grudges, and it's lost me friends in the past, friends that I actually kind of miss. Maybe Fish and Chips is right, maybe I should do the hard thing and forget the wrongs done to me by former friends and choose happiness?

I didn't really go into this thinking a padlet wall would have me rethinking my personal life but I suppose thats the power of Fish and Chips, if I ever meet the man/woman/non binary dude who came up with this acronym, well I just might take them to a chipper.

And buy them a batter burger. Yup Finglas.


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