Unity Tutorial 01

 Lesson 1.1 Start Your Engines

I was really surprised at how well Unity runs on my laptop when I first booted it up. Usually when I install anything made past 2010 my laptop explodes but Unity runs pretty smoothly for me. THe first tutorial was pretty basic and self explanatory, it felt like an introduction level in a videogame which was pretty cool thematically, learning how to control the camera, create files and place items into your game was pretty fun when reading through the guide and the host of the video tutorial is pretty cool.

Lesson 1.2 Pedal to the Metal

Things got tough for me here as I didn't have an IDE program to help with the c# so most of my day was spent downloading Microsoft Visual Studio because thats what the guy used in the tutorial. Once I got it set up it was pretty smooth sailing, the videos weren't really as helpful this time as the host seemed to make one or two mistakes that kinda wasted time. It was fun crashing the car into the barrels and I enjoyed programming in c#.

Lesson 1.3

Learning camera controls was pretty exciting I feel like I know so much more than I did when I started the day, I'm pretty excited to see how far my skills go at the end of the year.


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