Game Design


Reading 1:
I found this essay pretty interesting as it hits the nail on the head as to how to fit games into category's, I think video games as an art form are more in need of definitions and genres than say films, as with films, though yes there are rules, the audience doesn't control the film, the film decides how the audience interacts with it whereas with a game, players require guidelines and rules to help them experience what the game has to offer.

Reading 2:
This essay was very helpful in how it goes about researching and understanding creativity itself. Writers block is a familiar burden so it was excellent to read through the many different techniques one can utilise to brainstorm new ideas. The interviewees had a very interesting thought that its easy to think of ideas but its hard to think of good ideas. Personally I believe that any idea can be a good idea as no one will ever know what will be successful and what will not until the game is made and released for people to play it.

Reading 3:
I enjoyed this essay quite a bit as it covered similar ground to Reading 2 but it was written in a less academic style, again I enjoyed looking through the various methods of idea generation, the one I feel would best suit how I work would be the Ramsey method. The way the author ties the various methods in with gaming was done very well and I enjoyed how he linked the game Braid to Einstein as the link seems obvious but was one I never noticed.


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