Game Brainstorm

 What kind of game would I like to make?

This is a question I've been pondering since I was a kid, when I imagined myself becoming the next Hideo Kojima or Todd Howard, making games that were universally beloved by the masses and brought about world peace.

But now that I finally have the opportunity to make one, I realise I don't really know what game I'd like to make that would be even remotely realistic. Should I make something that will be easy to make but might be a bit boring? Or should I go for something really challenging and make it as fun as possible? I think I'll go with option 2.

Game Option 1: The Big One

Original Film Poster By Matthew Ledden

I've had an idea for this game for a pretty long time, when I was in secondary school I made a short action movie that was a big homage to 80s action movies like Escape from New York and Rocky 4 called "Eternal Vengeance". The main character of this movie was essentially a Solid Snake rip off  called Roland Lockjaw and so my friends and I always joked about a Video Game adaption of the movie similar to the ones made back in the 80s and 90s for big Hollywood films. This is something I would love to do. My idea for the game is to essentially take on or two scenes from the movie and have them translated into the gameplay of the original Metal Gear game that created the character who our film character was ripped off of.

The basic gameplay of the game would be a stealth game with a top down perspective. The player would control Roland Lockjaw as he sneaks past guards, collects items to unlock doors and possibly fight a boss at the end. I would want to include one or two cut scenes in the vein of Metal Gear Solid Codec calls aswell. The players will want to avoid guards as they will be able to kill the player with one or two shots but combat will be a part of the game where similar to our movie Roland can knock bad guys out with one punch. I would also like for the player to be able to shoot a gun at one point but I'm not sure whether or not that is really feasible with my current skillset. I would also like to include some music to the game as I feel a games soundtrack can make or break a game sometimes.

Game Option 2

The next game I would like to make might be bit of an obvious pick. Side Scrolling Platformers are to Videogames as Guitars are to Music. That's why I would like to have a go at making one. When I was younger my parents could never really afford to get me a PlayStation so I used to play their old consoles. Namely my dads Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Genesis and my Mams Super Nintendo. Therefore I've played a few side scrollers in my time, including every Mario game, Super Metroid, Super Star Wars, a couple Castlevanias and of course Sonic. 

If I were to make a side scrolling platformer I think I would like to make it similar enough to a Castlevania game rather than a Mario game, namely in how you defeat enemies. Instead of the classic jump on head till they're dead gameplay of Mario I would prefer to have the player character fight their enemies with a sword or whip, similar to how the Belmont's would in their games.

I don't think I have the talent to make the kind of stunning 16 bi art that you would get from those classic games so I think I would make the game in 3D similarly enough to Little Big Planet. The game would consist of levels with an overhead world similarly to Mario or Ghosts n' Goblins.

I think I would like to incorporate Dinosaurs into the mix here, simply because I enjoy Dinosaurs, perhaps the player could be a Dinosaur fighting other Dinosaurs, or perhaps a knight trying to escape a Dinosaur riddled castle, now thats a game I'd like to play.

Game Option 3

I like making decisions that have consequences in Video Games, they make every playthrough feel unique and can result in some amazing stories, my best example of this is the game Dragon Age Origins, which I played around 4 or 5 times and have gotten a different overall story and gameplay each time all because of my choices. I would like to try and make a game that delivers a similar feeling to that. This game would be similar to games like Ace Attorney or one of those dating simulators that Lets Players Play now and then, in how the game would be entirely dialogue based with what your character chooses to say moving the plot along and changing how the story goes.

The game will essentially be a choose your own adventure book, with paths that go in many different directions. I've been playing a game recently called Disco Elysium in which you play a Detective and that was something I really enjoyed so perhaps I could make the story one of mystery, where a detective must solve a mystery by asking the right questions and making the right decisions. Of course the game would rely heavily on my writing ability and the uniqueness of the paths that the story can go down, or else I'll end up with a Telltale game that pretty much has the same outcome no matter what choices re made along the way. Again, I would like to incorporate so e music within the game, I have friends who are musicians so perhaps I could get them to supply me with some detective noir sounding songs.

Game Option 4

Last but not least is a game that kind of just came to me while sitting in the introductory lecture this year. This game idea is profoundly simple in the vain of Surgeon Simulator or other Game Jam games that have released through the years. The game is called Super Snoot-Booper 64 and is a game where the objective is to touch as many noses as possible within a time limit. These noses may be on people, dogs, cats, dinosaurs, orcs or whatever I feel like adding.

I feel the game would have a Wario Ware like charm to it as you control the finger with your mouse and attempt to touch noses or "Boop Snoots" as the games title implies. The people whose noses you touch will sometimes try to cover their nose to add a bit of challenge and others may move about the screen. The players must also be careful not to poke these people in the eye or its an instant Game-Over. I imagine the the finger that we use to poke peoples eyes to control similarly to the hand in Surgeon Simulator following mouse movements but also being a bit wobbly, with the player left clicking to poke or "boop" the nose (snoot). 

Hopefully this game will get a few laughs and win the audience over with charm rather than intensely difficult gameplay, in the same vain as "mom hid my game" or "Happy Wheels".


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