My Favourite Game

My Favourite Game

2015 was a good year for me, I had started Transistion Year so most of my time in school was spent making movies with my mates, I saw Weird Al live in concert, I began reading The Dark Tower books which I have had an obsession with ever since and also, my favourite game ever made came out.

Going into the year I was highly anticipating only one game, no other held my interest except maybe that fantasy game about the white haired dude with the swords, but mostly I was looking forward to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. It's hard to describe the hype that was built around the release of MGSV, it was going to be amazing, it was a direct sequel to my then favourite game Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater AND it had Keifer Sutherland!!! Unfortunately I had to wait till like September to play it, so I figured, hey I'll give the white haired dude a try.

Before playing The Witcher 3 I figured I might aswell catch up to whatever the hell the story was to it so I went and bought all the books that had been translated at the time and started reading about Geralt of Rivia and his many morally grey adventures and I ended up loving them, so I was pretty excited to get my hands on the game when it released on May 18th and whatever expectations the books may have given me were blown out of the water and I became obsessed with The White Wolf and his quest to save his adoptive daughter Ciri from The Wild Hunt. Oh and MGSV ended up being a complete disaster that left me with an empty feeling inside that will most likely persist till my death.

So why do I like The Witcher 3? Well, to be honest it's a lot of things, the storytelling and writing are exceptional, especially when compared to other Fantasy franchises that were going on at the time (this is a sly dig at the terrible writing of every season of Game of Thrones past Season 5) and the overall gameplay experience was challenging and immersive, the game puts you in geralts shoes as he must collect various ingredients to brew potions that will help him with specific monsters, just like the character would do in the book series, the combat is faintly reminiscent of Dark Souls in that it requires locking on to enemies and hitting them with swords but the skills you require from levelling up give Geralts fighting move a more tactical and empowering feel as he swings around his sword, rolling away from deadly monsters as the absolutely deadly soundtrack hypes you up for every single encounter. Not to mention, oof Geralt is one sexy dude.

Also the DLC was amazing too, great game, I love it.


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