
 The Chapter I chose to focus my writing on for this semester is "A Predigital history of Games And Narrative". I chose this topic as I'm a bit of a nerd for stuff that came out before video games, I enjoying playing table top wargames and old roleplaying games and I can see what kind of an influence theses types of games have had on our modern gaming landscape.

I will mostly be focusing on the similarity between classic RPG Dungeons & Dragons and modern day Role Playing Games as I feel it is a topic that is significant for the book but is also something that I can create an in-depth analysis on as it is a topic that I would be interested in even in my free time.

A good starting place for my research would be a book that has been recommended to me a few times by friends about the man who invented D&D (Dungeons & Dragons), Gary Gygax  called "Rise of the Dungeon Master"

Image taken from "Rise of the Dungeon Master" Graphic Novel by David Kushner & Koren Shadni

Following that my research will probably take me through older forms of storytelling through gameplay such as "choose-your-own adventure books".

This is a particularly interesting take on early gamification: 

This is a link to buy the aforementioned Gary Gygax book:


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