Games Testing

 The readings this week match up pretty well with my week in general, I was listed as a close contact so I've essentially  just been spending my isolation play testing my upcoming game, I've also sent it around to some of my friends and got their hot takes and opinions on it.

Therefore I'm pretty excited to see what the readings have in store for me and maybe I can compare how I did my playtesting to how they tell me I should do it.

The first reading,"7 Different Types of Game Testing Techniques" essentially lists what it says on the tin, listing 7 different ways to test your game, the 4th one, functionality testing is one that stands out to me as I have no clue how the game will run on itch.o, I think I had better test it and see.

After that I read, "Computer Games Are Serious Business and so is their Quality: Particularities of Software Testing in Game Development from the Perspective of Practitioners" was a long read, but an interesting one, essentially, these students studied the differences between testing video games and other software, there was some focus on demographics which I found interesting, I think considering your demographic is a great way to focus your ideas in terms of how you want it to look and play.

Lastly, I watched the video, "HOW TO PLAYTEST" this was easily  the most enjoyable part of the readings. The host was very likable and he explained the basics of playtesting concisely and charismatically, overall I would say it didn't give me any fresh ideas like the other two did, but I will say it was a fun video to watch.

screenshot taken from HOW TO PLAYTEST video 


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